The “whitest” material in the world has been produced in Nordenham for exactly 50 years. KRONOS TITAN is Germany’s largest manufacturer of titanium dioxide. Or, to put it quite simply, for white pigments that are found in almost all white and coloured paints and plastics. And this is where our basic idea for the concept started. White becomes colourful.
A Cauldron of colour
The 50th anniversary of the site was to be an exciting celebration for the employees and their families. The majority of KRONOS employees work in a five-shift system. For a whole day, they were therefore to be given the opportunity to experience the site anniversary together with their whole family before or after their work. Just for the employees and their relatives, we staged “A Cauldron of colour” for KRONOS. In the middle of the outdoor production area, a circular world of experience was created in the truest sense of the word, which offered guests many delicious snacks as well as an entertaining stage programme and interactive event modules.
For employees. For their families. For KRONOS
KRONOS TITAN used their anniversary as an opportunity to thank their employees. With an innovative live communication format, we worked together with the company to create a tangible form of appreciation for the employees. The response was overwhelmingly positive: 750 employees, family members and retirees registered for the celebration – out of a total of 350 employees.
For our location anniversary, it was clear to us from the beginning that we wanted to place the project in professional hands. From the idea and concept to the design, planning and implementation, we were thrilled with the cooperation. Together with POMMEREL, we found suitable solutions for every challenge. The agency does live communication with heart and soul and has thus contributed to motivating our employees in an authentic way.Peter Aengeneyndt, Plant Manager KRONOS TITAN GmbH